Over the next 3-4 years, MDSA Foundation is pursuing a comprehensive strategy to:
Enhance artistic excellence
Engage a broader audience
Ensure financial stability
Promote equity and diversity
Strengthen community impact
Integrate technology
Maintain rigorous evaluation
We aim to achieve this by expanding our artistic offerings, launching digital streaming, diversifying revenue sources, fostering inclusivity, expanding community outreach, and utilizing technology efficiently, all while prioritizing assessment and collaboration.
In Progress Goals for 2024:
Expand theater classes
Hold additional sessions of pilot program, Theatre Expressions.
Expand art classes
Fundamental courses on an annual rotation.
Establish music classes
Expand community events
Increase community service projects
Implementation Timeline
Phase 1
Allocate resources to create more space around Studio A, creating a more functional off stage for our current performance space.
New Curtains, Lighting and seating for Theater.
Fix the AC system to ensure a comfortable learning environment.
Implement strategies to attract and enroll 70 additional students by 24/25 Season.
Recruit additional skilled teachers for enhanced education.
Introduce classes to expand our target age group to include both older and younger students.
Implement a financial plan to pay off the construction loan.